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Our Promise
We partner with leaders to improve productivity, retention, and employee satisfaction at every level by creating stigma-free mental health cultures.
A Personal Note
From Our Founder
The average American battling mental illness experiences a delay of 11 years between onset and treatment.
For me, it was 18 years. I struggled unknowingly with severe depression, anxiety, and panic for 18 years.
On the outside, I appeared to have it all together. I had a wonderful family and a thriving executive career, and I would have told you I was fine if you asked me how I was doing. But inside, I was a wreck.
I had never dealt with the trauma of finding my father, my best friend, dead by suicide. And I didn’t realize that the crippling anxiety and depression I felt weren’t normal. I thought life just felt like that for everyone.
I was moving through my life dragging a 2-ton boulder behind me, and I didn’t even know it.
When I found my mom after her death eighteen years later, that boulder became even heavier. I found myself struggling to function, unable to even get out of bed.
If I hadn’t had a boss who cared enough and understood enough to reach out to me when I was at the lowest point of my life, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
His compassion and wisdom gave me the support and encouragement I needed to get real help—the kind of help that changed my life.

To be clear, I’m not “cured” of depression and anxiety.
For me, mental well-being is a never-ending journey, not a destination.
Using the tools I’ve learned in therapy and practicing self-care are vital to maintaining my emotional stability. It’s like my Crohn’s disease. I can’t cure it. But I can manage it, so it doesn’t impact my life.

After seven years of hard work, I feel great, and I’m the happiest person I know.
It’s why I’m so passionate about the work we do at Simple Mental Health Leadership Consulting. Because what we do doesn’t just change organizational cultures, it changes lives—the lives of those struggling with mental health and the lives of those around them.

Our Story
More than 1 out of 5 people in your life struggle with anxiety and depression.
Perhaps it’s even you who’s struggling.
Our founder, Adam Nemer, was one of those 20% who walk the halls of every organization struggling with mental health.
Fortunately, he had a compassionate boss who encouraged him to get help, and it changed his life.
As Adam walked towards healing, he began to talk about his story and encourage others in his organization to be aware of the mental health needs around and inside them. As he shared, he realized he was making a difference in other people’s lives.
So he developed a comprehensive mental health wellness program for the entire organization with incredible results. He began speaking anywhere and everywhere he could, encouraging executives, managers, and team members to grow in their awareness and understanding of mental health.
But even as he saw his work making a difference, he saw how prevalent the shame and stigma around mental health was and how much other organizations could benefit from mental health literacy.
So he started our company...

...to help other organizations develop stigma-free mental health environments.
Because when your leaders know what struggles their employees are facing and how to help them, they not only create exponential improvement in employee satisfaction and retention (and achieve greater results), they also change lives.