8 out of 10 workers with a mental health condition say shame and stigma prevent them from seeking treatment.
Instead, they silently struggle with internal turmoil, decreased productivity, and increased absenteeism.

The myths we've taught ourselves about mental illness generate stigma.
The insidious stigma attached to the disease and those who experience it causes shame.
Feelings of shame for those who struggle with mental illness. So, we silence.
So we stay silent, and the cycle perpetuates itself.
They are trapped in the Isolation Cycle of mental illness...
...a self-perpetuating loop that negatively affects your entire organization.
This cycle can be broken.
We partner with clients to break the Isolation Cycle of mental illness and create a thriving mental well-being culture.

Executive Advisor

It is Adam's authenticity as a person and genuine interest in others that makes him a special leader and advisor.
He uses his personal journey with mental health as he urges organizations to address mental health with the same urgency and thoughtfulness as physical health. He knows how to change a culture to make your workplace a place of belonging and understanding.”

Here's How We'll Work Together.
Our founder Adam teaches your leaders and employees the business and human case for placing mental health literacy in your toolbox right next to sales, marketing, finance, as an essential business skill.
Your team will leave with:
Simple Mental Health trains your team in mental health literacy. They will learn to see past the shame and stigma of mental illness and confidently navigate mental health needs in the workplace.
Your team will learn:
Our team will empower you to create a high performing environment that minimizes and prevents workplace anxiety and panic. We'll explore how to lead differently given that more than 20% of teammates are struggling each year. And, you’ll learn how to “make it stick” and hardwire the leadership behaviors that matter and mental health literacy into your team, group and organization.
Solutions may include:

Chief Analytics Officer at ChenMed

It’s easy to talk about creating an environment of psychological safety in the workplace, but it’s challenging to build, and sustain, such a culture.
Adam's partnership helped me think through both tactical and big picture challenges over the past fifteen and successfully build a foundation for all team members to achieve high performance while improving their mental wellness.”